Pie-der Man

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Pie-der Man is an antihero who hates Spiderman. He is a very smelly individual.

His powers come from radioactive pies that appear in his pockets, and when he eats them he becomes super strong and agile.

When he raises his arms into the air, pies appear in his hands. They explode on impact with their target.

He rules New York City, and has a throne. People line up to give him gifts and affection.

When he isn’t powered up, he is Liter Carker, but when he eats a radioactive pie he becomes Pie-der Man!

Liter Carker is an annoying little shit with huge ass glasses and a Batman shirt.

His aunt is Aunt Chyna and his uncle is Bone Saw McGraw.

He hates Peter Parker. He lives one house away from him.

He is a big nerd. He can use Shining Finger, but it doesn’t really work.

He was trained by his aunt and uncle to wrestle — the unsafe way.

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